Join us for an interview with Ken and discover how he has been able to manage through his journey with severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is Ken’s Healthful StoryTM. Please note that the video may only play in landscape mode on a mobile phone.

Navigate Ken’s Journey with Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea

00:25 About Ken
01:02 I’ve had it for a dozen years
01:20 I was a real skinny kid and even then had it
01:44 I stopped breathing 60 times an hour
02:10 It got worse after I hit 210 pounds
02:14 I started waking up with pounding headaches
02:45 I was tired all day
03:23 I did not realize how foggy my mental state was all the time
04:02 I absolutely hated the CPAP
04:20 Eventually i ended up getting a surgery for a deviated septum
06:07 I randomly saw a video of a guy messing with another machine and I just never thought about pushing any buttons and it made it it made a big difference
06:28 When I was younger I was always a morning person and that stopped after my sleep apnea got bad because I was always tired
07:16 I’m noticing I don’t get angry as easily
008:07 I’m in my 30s and I’m not trying to die in 10 years
12:25 When I was married my wife absolutely couldn’t stand it
12:51 so much so that so she didn’t want to sleep anywhere near me because of the snoring and the gasping
14:39 I’ll still use my wedge pillow some
16:12 How much did you miss in your life as a
result of sleep apnea?
16:47 I just felt terrible
17:01 I would have slept for 12 hours and still could not feel arrested to save my life
17:54 I am a lot more motivated to actually do stuff now when before I would lay in bed all day


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