*Manny's Healthful Journey™ Overcoming Severe Sleep Apnea

Join us for an interview with Manny and discover how he has been able to manage through his journey after diagnosis with severe sleep apnea. This is Manny’s Healthful Story™. Please note that the video may only play in landscape mode on a mobile phone.

Navigate Manny's Journey with Slepp Apnea (OSA)

09:08 I understand that 85 blood oxygen can already result in organ failure and so going into low 80s is severely is a severe situation and does indeed require medical attention
09:50 In 2018, I did manage to go see an ear nose and throat (ENT) specialist and in an examination with the ENT doctor the physician at the University of California San Francisco she mentioned to me that I did indeed have a narrow airway commence also mentioned to me that one of my tonsils was extremely large and so one of the things that she recommended was a UPPP surgery a (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty)  surgery
10:21 We would remove the tonsils but also remove some of the excess tissue at the back of the throat to ensure again that the airway would be less obstructed
10:31 We went through the surgery there was a two-week recovery period that was recommended so I did it over the holiday when I was luckily enough to be off work and there was a period of recovery where I had a liquid diet – I couldn’t chew, etc.
10:51 I was lucky that I didn’t feel a lot of pain
11:09 So this was January of 2020. I just completed my surgery and I was very excited to wear my oxygen sensor to see whether or not it worked and I was disappointed
11:20 Unfortunately the oxygen sensor told me that even with the surgery I still had a severe condition to manage through and I went through a period of a few weeks where I was pretty sad and despondent thinking that you know maybe there’s nothing that can be done for my sleep apnea
11:42 But in a moment of luck or desperation, I thought to myself that I had tried these various interventions – that I tried to sit upright I had tried the oral appliance, I had gotten the UPPP surgery and of course. I was wearing the oxygen sensor to monitor my oxygen levels and so I thought to myself well – I have nothing to lose at this point
12:05 Let’s try all of these different solutions at once and so i draped the blanket over the lawn chair to set upright. I strapped on my oxygen sensor
and placed the sensor on my finger as is that’s how it works. I placed the oral advancement device, the dental appliance into my mouth and I went to sleep
12:27 And that was probably the first truly good night of sleep that I had had in the nearly 40 years that I’ve been alive
15:08 I have to talk about the importance of of what this has meant for me and for my family
15:18 I had spent my whole life feeling tired, having what’s called brain fog – this feeling that you you’re not necessarily able to keep up with with information as people are speaking with you – keeping track of conversations – the inability to to stay awake much past dinner time – The inability to read stories to my daughter who is now five years old
15:41 All these things were were signs that that something wasn’t quite right with my life and that it could be so much more I just didn’t realize it
15:50 Being sleep deprived being irritable for those in the in in the viewing audience who’ve had newborn children you know that feeling that you get when you just didn’t get quite enough sleep – just imagine what that’s like year on year for nearly 40 years. That was essentially my life
16:37 As I speak to you now, my life has been completely transformed. I have gone from what I would call a thirty percent life to a hundred percent life literally overnight
16:48 I have more energy. I am able to wake up early without any negative feelings
16:55 I’m able to power through the day without much caffeine
17:00 I no longer crave sugar
17:06 My cognition; my ability to think clearly has improved dramatically so that I can now keep track of conversations
17:27 My mood has improved dramatically. I am a much more patient person. I no longer get angry for very little things that happen in my
life and and certainly that has had tremendous impact on my family and my ability to be a good husband and a better father
19:47 It’s absolutely worth your time to make your health a priority and keep moving forward even if the first few things that you try might not work it makes it even more difficult when you’re in a situation where you’re fatigued and you’re too tired to continue to power through find these solutions
20:25 Do not get discouraged when something doesn’t work continue to fight for yourself and I am confident that good things will happen. Sometimes it just takes a lifetime

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